Overview of Stent Thrombosis: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications

Article information

Clin Exp Thromb Hemost. 2024;9(2):7-12
Publication date (electronic) : 2024 November 10
doi : https://doi.org/10.14345/ceth.22003
Department of Cardiology, Chonnam National University Hospital/Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea
*Corresponding author: Youngkeun Ahn, MD, PhD, FACC, FSCAI Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center, Chonnam National University Hospital, Institute of Molecular Medicine, BK21 Plus, Chonnam National University Medical School, 42 Jebong-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61469, Korea Tel: +82-62-220-4764 Fax: +82-62-224-4764 E-mail: cecilyk@hanmail.net
Received 2024 August 29; Revised 2024 October 31; Accepted 2024 November 5.

Trans Abstract

Stent thrombosis (ST) is a major complication after percutaneous coronary intervention. There have been many basic research and clinical studies to identify the exact pathophysiology of ST and also, many efforts were made to overcome and to prevent this catastrophic event which is associated with desperate clinical situations including death and myocardial infarction. Although the risk factors, underlying pathophysiology and mechanisms of ST are not fully investigated, newer generation drug eluting stents, and high resolution intra-vascular imaging modalities are important for prevention of ST.


During the last several decades, remarkable evolution has been made in the field of interventional cardiology in treating acute coronary syndrome (ACS) [1,2]. Since the very beginning after the introduction of first coronary bare metal stent in 1986, drug-eluting stents had dramatically reduced the rate of in-stent restenosis (ISR) thereafter [3,4]. Advances including development of new pharmacotherapies, new stent devices and high resolution intra-vascular imaging modalities had markedly reduced the total incidence of stent related mechanical complications after percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and the rate stent thrombosis (ST) had also declined [5-7]. However, ST is a remaining concern in the current real-world everyday practice and still known as the most serious complication of coronary revascularization procedure. In this clinical review of ST, we will first focus on risk factors for ST that has been well evaluated. And then, proper technical and pharmacological strategies for prevention and treatment strategy of ST will also be discussed.

Definition of stent thrombosis

In 2006, a group of experts known as the Academic Research Consortium proposed a standardized definition of ST. The diagnostic criteria of ST is defined by the degree of evidence of ST (as definite, probable and possible). ST is also classified by its diagnostic timeline based from the initial stent implantation date (as acute, subacute, late and very late) (Table 1) [8]. The pathophysiology and risk for ST is different according to the timeline after stent implantation. Generally, ST could be categorized into two groups because of its different risk factors and underlying pathophysiology; early ST (occurring within the first 30 days of stent implantation) and late ST (occurring beyond the first 30 days of stent implantation) [9,10].

Standard definition of stent thrombosis by the Academic Research Consortium

Incidence and outcomes

The overall rate of ST was up to 20% before the introduction of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in the early bare metal stent (BMS) era [3,11]. With contemporary DAPT and modern generation DES, the incidence of ST was reduced to less than 1% [12]. Systematic review of randomized trials with DES showed a median incidence of definite ST of 0.61% at 9-12 months [13]. Crucial point was that very late ST was strikingly higher compared to BMS in early generation DES after PCI. The rate of very late ST was up to 2% in the first 1st generation DES. After the progression and evolution of stent devices, the incidence of very late ST reduced to 0.2-0.4% in the modern generation DES era [14-16]. Recent large-scale registry data revealed that the cumulative event of ST in 3 years clinical follow up period was up to 1.5% in BMS, 2.2% in 1st generation DES, 1.0% in 2nd generation DES [17]. Although its incidence had markedly decreased, the mortality rate of ST is still high ranging from 10-40%. Clinical outcomes among ST lesions are poor compared with native coronary lesions which is associated with large thrombus burden and higher risk of distal embolization [18-20].

Risk factors for stent thrombosis

Various mechanisms could lead to ST. Principal risk factors for ST could be classified into i) patient and lesion factors, ii) stent and device factors, iii) procedural factors. As previously mentioned, these risk factors and pathophysiology of ST are also categorized according to the implanted time of the stent (early vs. late and very late ST) (Table 2) [21-24].

Principal risk factors for stent thrombosis

Early stent thrombosis

Early ST is defined as ST occurring within 30 days after stent implantation [8]. In this period, procedure related risk factors including stent under-expasion/under-sizing and incomplete stent apposition, residual dissection are important. These sub-optimal procedure results could result in the development of ST [9,25,26]. In the patient related risk factors, premature discontinuation of DAPT within 30 days after stent implantation is probably the strongest predictor of ST [27-29]. Median time interval from medication discontinuation to ST was 9 days according to the prospective observational cohort study of 6,816 patients by Schulz et al. [30] Other patient related risk factors such as renal dysfunction, diabetes, low ejection fraction are also related with early ST [29]. Specific lesion characteristics of the diseased vessel such as complex lesions including bifurcation and ostial lesions, chronic total occlusion lesions, diffuse long lesions are known risk factors associated with early ST [31,32].

Late and very late stent thrombosis

Patient and lesion related risk factors, procedure related risk factors still play an important role in late ST and very late ST. However, stent device related risk factor in other words, the type of the implanted stent is the main problem especially for the development of very late ST [10,14,21,22]. Impaired and delayed endothelial healing, the pathophysiologic process characterized by impaired endothelial stent strut coverage (uncovered strut), persistent fibrin deposition, and infiltration of inflammatory cells in vessel wall was identified in post mortem autopsy studies of patients suffered from very late ST after 1st generation DES implantation [33,34]. Compared with BMS, reendothelialization after stent implantation is significantly delayed in early generation sirolimus eluting (SES) and paclitaxel eluting stents (PES) [35-37]. And it is likely responsible for the higher rates of very late ST with 1st generation DES. The mechanism which caused prolongation and impairment of arterial healing in 1st generation DES stents were chronic inflammatory reactions by the drug delivering durable polymer, acute vessel injury caused by thick stent strut, toxic effect of the sirolimus and paclitaxel to the healthy endothelium [38-42]. Meta-analysis by Stone et al. compared the safety and efficacy of early generation DES. They demonstrated that during the median follow up of 4 years, the total incidence of ST was similar between SES vs. BMS (1.2% vs. 0.6%; P = 0.20) and PES vs. BMS (1.3% vs. 0.9%; P = 0.30). However, after 1 year, the incidence of very late ST increased in SES (0.6% vs. 0%; P = 0.025) and PES (0.7% vs. 0.2%; P = 0.028) compared to BMS [43]. Meta-analysis by Stettler et al. also resulted that risk of late definite ST was higher in SES [Hazard ratio (HR), 1.85; 95% credibility interval (CI), 1.02-3.85; P = 0.041] and PES (HR, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.19-4.23; P = 0.017) compared with BMS [44].

Newly developed 2nd generation to modern generation DES overcome the ‘Achilles heel’ of the early generation DES by improving stent characteristics including more biocompatible drug delivering polymer, new sirolimus analogue drugs (everolimus, zotarolimus) with lower drug doses, thinner stent strut [45-48]. Clinical studies also demonstrated that the risk of very late ST and even early ST were reduced within the everolimus eluting stents (EES) and zotarolimus eluting stents (ZES) compared with 1st generation DES. 49-51 The result of the meta-analysis by Palmerini et al. revealed that the risk of very late ST was lower in EES and ZES compared with PES (HR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.18-0.89 for EES; HR, 0.18; 95% CI, 0.05-0.47 for ZES) and SES (HR, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.13-0.78 for EES; HR, 0.12; 95% CI, 0.04-0.27 for ZES). Compared with BMS, risk of definite or probable ST was also lower in EES (HR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.33-0.73) [52].


Neoatherosclerosis (NA) is characterized by the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque in the implanted intra-coronary stent [53,54]. Histologic definition of NA was the infiltration of lipid-laden foamy macrophages within the neo-intima or peri-strut with or without combined necrotic core formation, calcification and plaque rupture [55,56]. Although it shares similar pathophysiology, temporal time required for the development of NA is short compared with the atherosclerotic changes in the native coronary vessels [57,58]. Regenerated endothelium which sought to be functionally impaired and immature within the stented segment would likely be the responsible mechanism [59-61]. Between the stent devices, human autopsy studies and clinical imaging studies have demonstrated that temporal time for the development of NA is much shorter in the in DES compared with BMS (420 days vs. 2,260 days, P< 0.001) and the incidence of NA is also known to be higher in DES implantations compared to BMS (31% vs. 16%, P < 0.001) [62-64]. Another important finding was that the high-risk plaque characteristics in were common in NA after DES implantation than BMS implantation [65]. Pathology study by Otsuka et al. demonstrated that the development of NA was similar within the early generation and modern generation DES [45]. Above these findings could be explained by chronic inflammatory reaction to the regenerated endothelium by stent strut itself and drug coated polymer. Thoroughly, NA is known as the late final common pathway and the major remaining contributing factor in the DES era for the development of late stent failure including very late ST and late ISR [21,56].

Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds

In the recent decade, bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) had been one of the main hot issue. The theoretical background for the development of BVS was that remained polymer and metallic scaffold in the coronary vessel wound be the permanent trigger for chronic inflammation which causes very late ST [66-69]. Once the polymer and metallic scaffold have been fully degraded, restoration of normal vasomotor tone and positive vascular remodeling could be achieved [70,71]. Absorb BVS (Abbott, Lake Country, IL, USA) is the most widely used and the representative of early generation BVS. Absorb BVS consists of poly-L-lactide stent backbone (strut thickness: 157 μm), poly-D,L-lactide drug delivering polymer and anti-proliferative drug everolimus [72]. Results of the randomized clinical trials and meta-analysis showed that short term clinical outcomes of Absorb BVS were comparable with EES [69,73]. However, mid-term and long-term outcomes of Absorb BVS revealed higher risk of target lesion failure and significant increase of scaffold thrombosis compared with EES [74-77]. Due to it’s the major concern, all BVS devices are currently withdrawn from the stent device market. However, unceasing effort needs to be made for the development of new generation BVS with adequate degradation profile with thinner strut thickness [78-80].

Role of Intra-vascular imaging

Intra-vascular imaging including intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) plays an important role in identifying specific pathophysiology of ST. Simultaneously intra-vascular imaging gives adequate treatment plan for the management ST. Also, it contributes on prevention of ST by providing precise guidance for stent optimization during PCI and reduce the procedure related risk factors of ST [81-85].

Stent under-expansion results from restricted stent expansion by the disease plaque character itself, implantation of a relatively undersized stent compared with the native vessel size or inadequate deployment during stent inflation [86,87]. IVUS definition of stent underexpansion is as followed: Minimal stent area (MSA) less than 90% of the average reference lumen area for reference vessel minimal lumen area (MLA) of < 9 mm2 or MSA less than 80% of the average reference lumen area for reference vessel MLA of > 9 mm2 [88]. OCT definition of stent-under-expansion is as followed: MSA less than 80% of the average reference lumen area if both references were available or less than 90% if only the distal reference was available or less than 70% if only the proximal reference was available [89]. According to previous studies, 20% to as many as 50% of patients were unable to achieve true intra-vascular imaging defined optimal stent expansion under coronary angiography guided only PCI despite high pressure post-dilatation with noncompliant balloon [90,91]. Stent underexpansion is a well-recognized as an independent risk factor for early ST in patients treated with both BMS and DES [92-94]. In the registry data from France, stent under-expansion was the underlying mechanism in 11% of patients and was more prevalent in acute and subacute ST [95].

Stent mal-apposition in other words, incomplete stent apposition is defined as the lack contact between abluminal surface of the stent strut (at least one) and the coronary intimal surface in a segment without an overlying side branch [96-97]. Stent mal-apposition is divided into acute (immediately detected at the time of stent implantation) and late (detected during follow up period) mal-apposition. The late stent mal-apposition could be further classified in to late persistent (remaining since the initial implantation time) and late acquired (detected during follow up period despite appropriate apposition during initial implantation period) [98]. Accurate detection of stent mal-apposition is capable by intra-vascular imaging [81,85,99]. Meta-analysis results revealed that especially late acquired stent mal-apposition is associated with increased risk of late and very late stent thrombosis [100]. The risk of late acquired mal-apposition was significantly higher after DES implantation (mainly early generation, DES) compared with BMS (HR, 4.36; 95% CI, 1.74-10.94; P = 0.002) due to positive remodeling of the vessel wall by inflammatory and hypersensitivity reactions by the anti-proliferative drugs, polymer and metallic strut [96,101-104]. Incidence of late mal-apposition was lower in 2nd generation DES than with early generation DES. In an autopsy study of stents implanted > 30 days, ≤ 3 years previously, the frequency of late mal-apposition was lower in 2nd generation EES compared to SES and PES (4% vs. 16% and 18%) [45].

Stent edge dissection is defined as disruptions of the luminal surface within in 5 mm segments proximal and distal to the stent. Edge dissection leads to exposure of the endothelial cell contents to the blood stream and increase the risk of early ST [105-106]. IVUS based data showed that the prevalence of edge dissection was 10-20% after BMS implantation and 8% after DES implantation [107]. In the OCT based study by Chamie et al. [108] demonstrated that overall incidence of OCT defined stent edge dissection was up to 37.8% but were mostly not apparent on conventional coronary angiography (84%). Majority of the edge dissection were non-flow-limiting, short, and superficial which were left untreated and completely healed on follow up OCT. However, flow limiting dissection, long and deep dissection should be treated by additional stenting [109,110].

Although coronary angiography is still the standard imaging modality, 2‐dimensional projection of coronary anatomical characteristics possess a major limitation in stent optimization. Various randomized clinical trials and meta-analysis proved that intravascular imaging guided stent optimization could reduce the risk of ST and other adverse cardiac events by preventing those potential risk factors [111-114]. In the ILUMIEN IV trial, OCT-guided PCI resulted in a statistically improvement in acute minimal stent area compared with angiography-guided PCI (5.72 mm2 vs. 5.36 mm2, P < 0.001). Despite there was no reduction in the 2-year primary clinical endpoint (target vessel failure), OCT-guided PCI was associated with a reduction in definite or probable ST compared to angiography-guided PCI (0.5% vs. 1.4%; HR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.14-0.91; P = 0.02) [115]. Based on these studies, current 2024 European guideline strongly recommend intracoronary imaging guidance by IVUS or OCT when performing PCI on anatomically complex lesions, in particular left main stem, true bifurcations, and long lesions (Class I, Level of evidence A) [116].

Treatment approach in stent thrombosis

Thrombus aspiration, balloon angioplasty and pharmacologic treatment with intra-coronary antiplatelet agents are the mainstay for the treatment of ST [117]. Following diagnostic angiography, occlusive lesions can be treated initially with balloon angioplasty alone, sometimes with adjunctive thrombus aspiration when the clot burden is large. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists should be considered to improve microvascular reperfusion because of distal embolization [118]. Once the patient is stabilized and coronary flow has been reestablished, the etiology of the ST should be assessed with intra-coronary imaging modalities to determine the adequacy of stent expansion, apposition, neoatherosclerosis formation and edge dissections. The 2021 American College of Cardiology revascularization guideline recommends IVUS or OCT to determine the mechanism of stent failure (Class IIA, Level of evidence C) [119]. However, OCT appears to be superior to IVUS as a main imaging modality in ST because it allows accurate assessment of lumen pathology and enables more detailed visualization of stent architecture and strut apposition and reliable description of neo-intima characteristics [120]. After the proper mechanism of ST has been documented, proper treatment including high-pressure non-compliant balloon expansion should be performed especially for underlying stent under-expansion and mal-apposition. Additional stent implantation should ordinarily be limited to significant residual dissections [121].


Many advances in medical technology reduced the stent related complications. However, ST still remains associated with significant morbidity and mortality in real-world clinical practice. Many risk factors and underlying pathophysiology of ST have been demonstrated by human autopsy and intra-vascular imaging studies. Providing optimal preventive strategies would be the most important step in current and future aspects of ST and it could be achieved by intra-vascular imaging guided stent optimization, proper use of pharmacologic agents and development of more advanced DES.




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Article information Continued

Table 1.

Standard definition of stent thrombosis by the Academic Research Consortium

Timeline Level of evidence
Early ST Definite
ST < 24 hr (Acute) Angiographic or pathologic confirmation of thrombotic occlusion within the peri-stent region with at least one of the additional criteria:
24 hr < ST < 30 days (Subacute) Acute ischemic symptoms
 Ischemic electrocardiogram changes
 Elevated cardiac biomarkers
Late ST Probable
30 days < ST < 1 year Any unexplained death < 30 days of stent implantation
Any myocardial infarction related to documented acute ischemia in the territory of the implanted stent without angiographic confirmation of ST and in the absence of any other obvious cause
Very late ST Possible
1 year < ST Any unexplained death beyond 30 days of stent implantation

ST, stent thrombosis.

Table 2.

Principal risk factors for stent thrombosis

Early stent thrombosis Late and Very Late stent thrombosis
Patient and Lesion factors Acute coronary syndrome Smoking
Cessation of DAPT Prior MI
Diabetes mellitus STEMI
Genetic polymorphism Diabetes mellitus
Thrombocytosis Cessation of DAPT
Heart failure End stage kidney disease
Malignancy Bifurcation lesion
Bifurcation lesion Ostial lesion
Small vessel lesion Type C lesion
Ostial lesion Multi-vessel disease
Left anterior descending artery Vein graft
Long lesion
Saphenous vein graft
Stent and Device factors Small stent diameter DES (Mainly 1st generation DES)
Strut thickness Bioresorbable vascular scaffold
Procedural factors Stent under-expansion Late acquired stent mal-apposition
Edge dissection Overlapped stent
Residual stenosis Long stent
Overlapped stent

DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; DES, drug eluting stent; MI, myocardial infarction; STEMI, ST elevation myocardial infarction.