Stent thrombosis (ST) is a major complication after percutaneous coronary intervention. There have been many basic research and clinical studies to identify the exact pathophysiology of ST and also, many efforts were made to overcome and to prevent this catastrophic event which ...
Mesenteric vein thrombosis is caused by venous stasis, mesenteric venous wall injury, and systemic prothrombic conditions. It impairs venous return of intestine, causing various degrees of abdominal pain caused by bowel ischemia. Delayed diagnosis and treatment of mesenteric ven...
Platelet contains G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that play a key role in platelet activation and thrombus formation in response to various agonists including ADP, thromboxane A2, thrombin, epinephrine, and serotonin by coupling to various G-proteins. Since platel...
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of preprocedural total coronary occlusion on long-term cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in the contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) era.
Methods: Of 1...
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